New Year, Cacowards & What's Next

Posted in Anno Domini Fri Jan 03 2025

Happy new year from the Australian East Coast. I won't lie, the tides ahead look rough, but I'm sure we'll reach calmer waters if we work together to strive against the swell.

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— The Kinsie ( January 1, 2025 at 12:16 AM

It is now 2025, the official year of like, half of the Terrifying Dystopian Future settings depicted in the popular media of the 1990s. And you know what? Not enormously far off. I'm all rested up and ready for a perhaps slightly torrid new year... but before that, what else have I been up to that hasn't already been hurled onto a blog post?


2024 Cacowards

The Cacowards are a Doom community institution, and this year was - if you can believe it - the twentieth iteration. It was my honor to once again contribute to putting it together, handling half of the Gameplay Mod Awards section, pieces of the Codeaward writeup, assorted sidebars here and there and a couple of vital entries for the Missed Cacowards segment.

The internet would frankly be a worse place without the Cacowards, and I do wish more mod scenes would do something similar to toast their brave volunteers sacrificing countless hours to entertain us for free. Sadly, from what I understand the Quake community isn't interested in putting on any gong shows, which is a damn shame because the sheer quality ratio of their modern output is just utterly unmatched.

Well, I suppose there's whatever ModDB does, but they're a whole other kettle of fish at this point...


Introducing the youth to culture.

I've been trying to stream on Twitch at a rate of "slightly more than once in a blue moon" over the last year, and while I haven't quite reached that rainbow of "at least once a week", I somehow managed some 38 streams in 2024. Which is a pretty decent effort, to be fair. I hope to do more over the coming year, and hopefully in timeslots that aren't the wee hours of Sunday night! Look, can I help it if all the people I want to watch stream in the afternoons because of timezones?

Anyway, feel free to gimme a follow! I wanna do more and weirder stuff throughout 2025, and while I'm currently expecting to be ocupado during the prescribed week, I hope to do something for Zophar (of "yes, that Zophar" infamy)'s Jankuary event. Keep an eye on my socials on the front page of this very website, I'll make some noise about it. I might even do it more than one hour in advance this time! Maybe my new year's resolution should be to give more advance warning of my streams?

My First Proper-ish Comic


I should probably finish that.

But Kinsie, What About Your Own Doom Mods?

Exclusive new Reelism 2 screenshot
As you can see, I've accomplished a lot on Reelism 2 over the last six months alone!

I'll be honest with ya: There hasn't been a huge amount of movement on them over the last year. Partially because everyone involved with my projects, myself included, have been really busy doing Other Shit, and sometimes even getting paid for it. But with the threat of a new Doom game on the horizon this year, I suspect at least MetaDoom's gonna have to be dusted off and given an infusion of fresh blood.

Also on the gamedev side, I've been polishing off plans to start work on my own game! As in, not a mod for someone else's game! About friggin' time, right? Time will tell if I actually wind up sticking to it, though: Game development has a lot of moving parts, and I'm not 100% sure I'm up to coding all the really intense but really necessary shit like control systems instead of fuckin' about with the fun stuff like I can do with mods. It'll be a learning process, at any rate...

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