Old games can be an absolute pisser to get running properly on modern systems. And FPS games in particular, due to their habit of stretching technical boundaries, tend to get hit by this a whole lot. Over the last couple of years I've spent a lot of time collating and collecting such games and setting them up to work on my system properly, usually in windowed mode and occasionally in widescreen. Sometimes it was as easy as pie, other times it was hair-pullingly frustrating, and other times still it's still an ongoing struggle.

Okay, I admit it, I got a bit carried away.
Okay, I admit it, I got a bit carried away.

At some point I decided to collate what I'd found and what I'd learned from experience and put it all in one place, so as to make it easier to find (and easier to remember what I've done!), with a focus on games that are still being legally sold today - if you're gonna buy a thing, you'd expect it to work properly out of the box, but for these older games that's sadly less common than you'd like.

The Trello

Here's the curated list so far, covering tons of games that are (or have been) legally available digitally, and the hoops you might have to jump through to get the experience you actually friggin' paid for.

The Steam Curator Page

You can also get all the information you need, in shockingly-small character-count form, right there on the Steam Store page. Now you'll never accidentally buy Blood 2! I mean, not that you'd want to for myriad other reasons, but you get what I mean.

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