YOU want to make a video about a game that isn't Team Fortress 2. I want you to not have any headaches making it. Let's get together and do each other's hair and talk about boys! Or... something.
Last Update: 4th March 2016: Changed page links to sites that are actually updated.
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Map Ports
Source Filmmaker can handle most Source Engine content. The operative word in that sentence is "most". This page is my little effort to try and take care of the few stragglers that, for various boring technology reasons, refuse to work out of the box. This is done with brute force and chaos.
Model Ports
Here are a few things I've fixed up, usually from the HL1 engine, to work in SFM. They're probably not enormously interesting to the vast majority of SFM users, but they're there if you need them. It's because I care. Or because I'm damn good at pretending I do. Either/or, really.
Compatibility List
The Source Engine is a fickle and bipolar mistress even before considering that SFM is a beta-quality internal tool. So here's a list of Source Engine games and whether their models or maps are compatible with SFM (and in what way). Please feel free to contribute any info and help complete this!
A set of moderately useful guides on some of the more technical aspects of Making Things Work In SFM. Useful if you want to dive into the non-SFM Steam Workshops for their hordes of resources, or want to fix maps that don't work.