Flashback 2 Demo Review
Posted in Anno Domini Mon Oct 16 2023
Flashback 2[1] might be the worst twin stick shooter I've ever played[2]

Copy-pasted, capitalization-less notes glued together from the debris of a Discord chatlog after playing the 2023 Next Fest demo:
- So, you know how in Flashback 1 and other Prince-alikes, you can change direction while running and your character will skid and shift their weight to change direction quickly and realistically? Flashback 2 does not have that. Conrad has to do a little circle to change direction when running.
- This includes when you have your gun out, where the animation does not reflect the little circle despite it still happening. It feels terrible.
- It's bizarrely hard to aim, as if your aim is being moved left or right first-person style instead of following the mouse cursor (also: it only shows keyboard prompts even when using a gamepad)
- There is a dodge move. In Flashback 1 and other Prince-alikes, this would be like a cool barrel roll or something. In Flashback 2, it's a character-action-game style "blink" a couple feet in a direction, with no accompanying character animation. Just kinda tweened forward over like 8 frames. For a sequel to a game that built its reputation on amazing animation, that's kinda mind-boggling!
- The game gives two different pronunciations for the name "Ian" in the same cutscene (Eye-an? What the fuck?)
- There were threats of a mech combat section, but i quit before that bit
Just another baffling piece of software from the publishers of the XIII remake.
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